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What are the Different Kind of Aircon Services?


An air conditioner is everyone’s favorite thing. They are tempted to enjoy the cool air that comes from it. Maintenance is essential as far as electrical devices are concerned. There are many types of air conditioner services in the aircon. we will explain what it is as follows.

Aircon General Service :

               The general service is a normal service it cleans air filter, blower wheels, and blades and cleans indoor evaporator coils. This service helps to improve your air conditioner life and it will help maintain cleanliness and freshness of the air. Experts suggest the general service for the air conditioner to do it every 3 months once.

Aircon Chemical Wash :

                 In the air conditioner, one of the important services is a chemical wash. The use of Chemical wash is clear drainage line and flushing the blower wheel and also cleaning the air filter. Air-con experts will highly recommend aircon chemical wash to clean your AC unit for better cooling and reduces the noise level. The service can depend on the user’s intentions six months once or yearly once.

Aircon Chemical Overhaul :

               The most useful service in an air conditioner is chemical overhaul because of its process of cleaning components in indoor units. The chemical overhaul work in the air-con disassemble of air-con components and disassemble down air-con unit than it will clean every component with water and chemical. This overhaul service giving you a 100% clean solution.

Aircon Gas Top-Up :

                  Aircon gas top-up is the process of refilling chemical gases in the air conditioner. The chemical gas coolant refills the refrigerant storage to the unit. This Aircon service needs yearly only once. The above air-con services need both indoor unit and outdoor unit in air-conditioner.

Conclusion :

                Finally, one of the important things is that whatever service you need choose the best air-con company. In this case, our Cool care company provides you high-quality services at an affordable cost. Our technical experts have enough experience to handle your complicated air-conditioner problems and solve them properly.